Thursday, June 14, 2012

Islamic Jihad’s Kindergarten Graduation: Where’s the Cake and Cookies?

                                                                      'Palestinian prisoner tortured.'

Islamic Jihad’s Kindergarten Graduation: Where’s the Cake and Cookies?(IDF).On Monday, June 11, 2012 Gazan kindergartners celebrated their graduation ceremony in an Islamic Jihad fashion.
“At every graduation ceremony, it is our obligation to educate the children to love the resistance, Palestine and Jerusalem, so they will recognize the importance of Palestine and who its enemy is,” stated the kindergarten’s director.
As part of the graduation, Palestinian kids dressed up as Israeli prison guards and played the exaggerated role of torturing Islamic Jihad’s military wing’s (Al Quds Brigades) prisoners.
The kids who participated in the ceremony expressed their feelings after the event:

“I love the resistance and the martyrs and Palestine, and I want to blow myself up on Zionists and kill them on a bus in a suicide bombing.
When I grow up I’ll join Islamic Jihad and the al-Quds Brigades. I’ll fight the Zionist enemy and fire missiles at it until I die as a shahid and join my father in heaven.”
Kindergarten graduations are not the only channel in which Gaza’s youth are indoctrinated with hatred towards Israel. Hamas’ Al-Aqsa TV also has a say in this propaganda effort.
The television station produces a show called, The Pioneers of Tomorrow, that teaches its youth audience the desire to grow up and carry out future martyrdom operations.
Source: Ynet
For more information on how Gaza’s children are educated:

                                          'Palestinian prisoner and Israeli guard' 

"Peace will come when the Arabs will love their children more than they hate us." ~ Golda Meir.

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