Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Hezbollah Under Nasrallah’s Rule: 21 Years of Terror.

Hezbollah Under Nasrallah’s Rule: 21 Years of Terror.(IDF).21 years ago, Hassan Nasrallah became the leader of Hezbollah. Under his leadership, Hezbollah has committed a stream of terror attacks on both Israeli and international soil and has killed numerous innocent civilians.

Here is our roundup of 21 years of Hezbollah activity under Nasrallah:

Hezbollah (“Party of God” in Arabic) is a terror organization founded in 1982 and based in southern Lebanon. Hezbollah is a proxy of Iran, and is designated as a terror organization by the US and the UK, among others.
Since rising to power in 1992, Hassan Nasrallah has used most of Hezbollah’s resources in order to terrorize Israeli citizens. A mere three weeks after he became the organization’s leader, Nasrallah had already orchestrated a major terror attack against the Israeli embassy in Buenos Aires, Argentina, killing 29 civilians.

Two years later, Nasrallah ordered another terror attack in the Argentinian capital – this time against the Jewish Center of Buenos Aires. His operatives killed 85 men and women, and injured more than 300 others. During this period, Hezbollah terrorists, under Nasrallah’s command, fired hundreds of rockets at towns in northern Israel.

In the year 2000, Israel completely withdrew from southern Lebanon. The U.N. Security Council certified that Israel withdrew to the international border, known as the Blue Line. That did not stop Hezbollah from continuing to perpetrate terror attacks against Israel.
But Nasrallah’s true time to shine came only in 2006, when Hezbollah initiated the Second Lebanon War.
On the morning of July 12, 2006, Hezbollah fired multiple barrages of rockets into northern Israel. At the same time, Hezbollah fighters crossed Israel’s northern border and attacked two IDF vehicles on a routine patrol. They killed three IDF soldiers in the initial attack. Two others — Ehud Goldwasser and Eldad Regev — were wounded, captured and taken into Lebanon.

By the end of the fighting, Hezbollah had fired thousands of rockets into northern Israel. A total of 119 IDF soldiers and 43 Israeli civilians were killed during the war.

The war ended with UN resolution 1701, calling for a ceasefire between Israel and Hezbollah. The resolution required Hezbollah to disarm and withdraw all of its operatives from Israel’s northern border. In reality, none of this happened. Nasrallah’s central mission since 2006 has been to rebuild Hezbollah’s weapons arsenal. Today, Hezbollah has 60,000 rockets, all aimed at Israel’s major cities. This is the largest weapons arsenal of any terror organization in the world today. During his 21 years in power, Nasrallah has focused most of his energy on harming Israeli civilians in the name of “the resistance”.
Today, even after Israel’s complete withdrawal from Lebanon, Nasrallah and his Hezbollah terror organization are an immediate threat to Israeli civilians both in Israel and around the globe.
The IDF will not tolerate any attempt to harm Israeli civilians, and will operate against anyone who uses terror against the State of Israel.Source : IDFBlog

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