Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Protocols of the Elders of Zion alive and well in the PA.

PA TV recently broadcast a statement by a Palestinian Imam who likewise referred to The Protocols of the Elders of Zion as an authentic Jewish work. He said the "enemies" intend to corrupt Muslims with wine and women, which is a tactic set down in The Protocols of the Elders of Zion:

"Our enemies say:

'A glass of wine and a pretty woman can harm Muhammad's nation more than a thousand canons. We must strive to destroy the moral values so that we can easily rule the world.' That's in The Protocols of the Elders of Zion."

Protocols of the Elders of Zion alive and well in the PA.(PalWatch). By Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik. Old Antisemitic forgery alive and well in the PA:

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion

Op-ed published by Palestinian news agency Ma'an:

"One wonders if the Jews belong to some other kind of human species... From where does all this evil and destructive energy derive?

Do all the other nations deserve all this evil and hostility, just so that Jews may control them?"

PA Imam on PA TV:

"Our enemies [the Jews] say: ... 'We must strive to destroy the moral values so that we can easily rule the world.' That's in The Protocols of the Elders of Zion."

by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik

The Palestinian news agency Ma'an continues to include Antisemitic content on its website. Currently the op-ed section features an article presenting the old Antisemitic forgery The Protocols of the Elders of Zion as a true document delineating the Jews' plan to subjugate the world.

Opinion piece by Walid Shomaly:

"The Protocols of the Elders of Zion are a kind of plan formulated by the Jews to infiltrate the world and take it over. While many Jewish leaders claim that they (the Protocols) are a forgery and one of the greatest political fabrications of the modern era, others confirm that they are true and that they are the most dangerous plot of global domination that history has ever known."

Having described the content of some of the protocols, the writer demonizes all Jews:

"Now, after this quick review of a few of these protocols, one wonders if the Jews belong to some other kind of human species, different from other nations. From where does all this evil and destructive energy derive? Do all the other nations deserve all this evil and hostility, just so that Jews may control them? Do all nations other than Jews really have clouded minds?"

And he wonders about the extent of Jewish world domination already today:

"Have most of the things that appear in the Protocols been implemented in the West and in the East? Did the idea of a Jewish world government begin to be carried out towards the end of the last century? And does the US rule the world today in the name of the new world order for the benefit of the Jews, in accordance with these Protocols? Are we on the brink of the establishment of an evident Jewish world government? Until we have answers to these questions and ponderings - as well as others - we say, 'May Allah help us, we the children of Palestine...'"

When describing how one of the protocols "calls to crush religious authority, especially the papacy," Shomaly condemns Christian Zionists in the US as "Zionists in the guise of Christians":

"We see how approximately eighty million Zionist Christians in the United States itself give Israel their absolute support, claiming [to belong to] Christianity while they in fact have no connection with it, for these people are Zionists in the guise of Christians. Thus they can achieve two goals: The first, to smash Christian values and perceptions from within; and the second, to support Zionism by legitimizing its occupation and settling of Palestine."

According to the writer, the Protocols include among other things the following:

"The first protocol calls for the spread of anarchy and wars... [and] contains plans to spread corruption in the world in order to establish firm Jewish rule... Jews are to entice men through liquor, debauchery, and women, and to use fraud, bribery, and betrayal to achieve their goals."

"The second protocol calls for a takeover of government, education, and the press. The fourth protocol calls for a takeover of trade and the destruction of religion."

"While the seventh protocol calls to instigate global wars, the ninth lays out plans to destroy moral values and dispatch agents."

"As far as education is concerned, the sixteenth protocol calls for corrupting it so as to reduce gentiles to creatures incapable of independent thought. Regarding religion, the seventeenth protocol calls to crush religious authority, especially the papacy."

"As regards impoverishing the nations and starving them so as to control them, the twentieth protocol calls for drowning countries in debts, and then forcing them to borrow from Jewish wealth at high interest rates, so that these countries will remain subservient and under their control."Read and see the full story here.

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