Thursday, February 21, 2013

"Surprise or NOT" - Europe says they won't boycott a 'Palestinian government' that includes terrorist organization Hamas.

"Surprise or NOT" - Europe says they won't boycott a 'Palestinian government' that includes terrorist organization Hamas. HT: IsraelMatzav.I suppose this should come as no surprise to anyone. A senior European diplomat told the Arab newspaper al-Hayat on Tuesday that Europe will not boycott a 'Palestinian' government that includes Hamas.
However, the European diplomat said that any kind of proposal necessitates that Palestinians unify their ranks, adding: “there won`t be a peace proposal to one part of the Palestinians without the other”.
He emphasized “the world is moving and Palestinians should form one government in the West Bank and the Gaza strip to be their reference in the next stage”.
Just this week Hamas Prime Minister Haniyeh announced that the forming of a Palestinian unity government is dependant on non recognition of Israel.
According to Al Hayat the EU is also looking forward to play a political role in case the US role fails. Europe`s role will not be limited “only to financing and praying”, the diplomat said.


The official also said the EU is moving towards boycotting West Bank settlement products due to the fatal damage they inflict on the peace process.
It is hard to understand how products manufactured in settlements inflict fatal damage on a peace process that has been moribund since 2009, due to the Palestinian refusal to return to negotiations.
... Over forty thousand Palestinians (15 % of the work force) work in the Israeli settlements. They are making almost double the wage of their peers in the Palestinian Authority. What could go wrong?Hmmm.......'Eurabia coming to the 'rescue' of Hamas, how low can you go?Read the full story here.

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