Sunday, March 31, 2013

Obama 'buddies' Abbas and King Abdullah sign Jerusalem agreement.

Obama 'buddies' Abbas and King Abdullah sign Jerusalem agreement.(maanNews).President Mahmoud Abbas and Jordan's King Abdullah on Sunday signed an agreement to defend Jerusalem and its holy sites, Palestinian Authority media reported.

Abbas flew to Amman on Sunday for a meeting with King Abdullah at the Royal Palace, attended by the PA Minister of Religious Affairs Mahmud al-Habash and his Jordanian counterpart Muhammad Qudah.

Habash told Wafa news agency that the agreement outlined coordination for the protection of all Islamic and Christian holy sites in Jerusalem.

The agreement confirmed Jordan's historic role in protecting sacred sites in Jerusalem, Habash said. It also confirmed Palestinian sovereignty over all of Palestine, including its capital East Jerusalem, the minister added.

Israel occupied East Jerusalem in 1967 and later annexed it in a move never recognized by the international community. Earlier Sunday, Abbas' spokesman condemned a visit to Jerusalem's Al-Aqsa Mosque compound by Jewish extremists.Read the full story here.

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