Tuesday, May 28, 2013

British Muslim Initiative - London to host Global March to Jerusalem on 7th June.

British Muslim Initiative - London to host Global March to Jerusalem on 7th June.HT: Globalmbwatch.

The British Muslim Initiative has issued a press release giving details on the 2nd “International Global March to Jerusalem.” According to the announcement:

Press Release | 23 May, 2013 As part of the International Global March to Jerusalem, Londoners from different backgrounds are expected to converge outside the Israeli Embassy in London, to protest the ongoing Zionist occupation of Jerusalem.

Protesters are concerned about the effects of the occupation, particularly violations against the city and its indigenous Arab inhabitants – both Christian and Muslim. Israel continues its racist practices inside Jerusalem which contravene UN resolutions and international law.

Organisers of the London GMJ will stage a march in London on Friday 7th June 2013, coinciding with the 46th anniversary of the occupation of the eastern part of the Holy City, which is home to Al-Aqsa Mosque, the Church of the Holy Sepulcher and other sacred sites. Addressing the march on 7th June will be prominent speakers, including politicians, community and faith leaders, activists, and campaigners.

Zaher Birrawi, spokesperson for the London GMJ, explained that ‘one of the purposes of the London march is to make a strong stand against Israel’s racist policies and the systematic Judaisation of the Holy City’.

Convenor of 2012 GMJ London march, Sarah Colborne, remarked that ‘it is unacceptable that Israel is allowed to perpetrate policies and crimes against the Palestinians with impunity in full sight of the world community. We are here to mobilise popular efforts towards exposing the racist character of the Israeli occupation.’

Read the rest here.

Key UK members of the Global March International Central Committee are Zaher Birawi, a leader at the Palestinian Return Center with many ties to the UK Muslim Brotherhood and Mohammad Sawalha, also tied to the UK Brotherhood and said by Israeli intelligence to be a former Hamas terrorist commander. The British Muslim Initiative (BMI) itself is part of the UK Muslim Brotherhood. Read the full story here.

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