Monday, May 13, 2013

UNRWA representative poses with map that presents all of Israel as "Palestine"

UNRWA representative poses with map that presents all of Israel as "Palestine" HT: PalWatch.By Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik.

UNRWA representative poses with map that presents all of Israel as "Palestine"at event in Lebanon.

At the official launch of two German-funded UNRWA projects in southern Lebanon, Director of UNRWA Affairs in Lebanon, Ann Dismorr, posed with a map that erases the State of Israel and presents all of it as "Palestine."

The map includes both the Palestinian Authority areas as well as all of Israel. Above the map is the Palestinian flag and the inscription "Arab Palestine." The text at the bottom of the map also says "Palestine." The neighboring countries Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon are all named on the map as is the Mediterranean Sea. Israel is not mentioned or designated anywhere. Several places and cities, both in Israel and from the Palestinian Authority, are included on the map of "Palestine": The Negev desert, Be'er Sheva, Rafah (Gaza), Hebron, Bethlehem, Jerusalem, Jaffa, Haifa, Acre, Tiberias and the Dead Sea.

The map was presented at the launch of an UNRWA project to improve the water supply network and rehabilitate shelters in the Rashidieh Camp, and was a gift from the "Palestinian Women's Union," the Palestinian news site reported.[, May 3, 2013]

According to UNRWA's website, Germany was represented at the launching ceremony by the Head of Economic Cooperation and Development at the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Lebanon Dr. Hanan Abdul Rida. The website further mentioned that "a number of high ranking Lebanese and Palestinian officials" were present.

Palestinian Media Watch reports on the PA's denial of Israel's right to exist, and its portrayal of "Palestine" as replacing Israel.

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