Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Israel's security cabinet urges world powers against nuclear compromise with Iran.

Israel's security cabinet urges world powers against nuclear compromise with Iran.(Jpost).
Jerusalem — Israel on Tuesday urged the world to avoid a partial deal with Iran which could see a relaxing of sanctions, just hours before a new round of nuclear talks.

Following a meeting late on Monday, the security cabinet warned the international community against any "partial agreement that would fail to bring about the full dismantling of the Iranian military nuclear programme...(which) could lead to the collapse of the sanctions regime."

"Iran believes it can get by with cosmetic concessions that would not significantly impede its path to developing nuclear weapons, concessions that could be reversed in weeks," the statement said."In exchange, Iran demands an easing of the sanctions, which have taken years to put in place."

But the security cabinet said the P5+1 should "reject Iran's attempts to reach a deal that would leave it with the capability to develop nuclear weapons."

An Israeli official told AFP that the seven-member ministerial committee had met on Monday night but released the statement the following morning to coincide with the talks.

Israel, it said, did not oppose Iran having a peaceful nuclear energy programme -- one which would not require uranium enrichment or plutonium production, it said.

"Iran claims that it supposedly has the 'right to enrich.' But a country that regularly deceives the international community, that violates UN Security Council resolutions ... has no such right," it said.

Israel has refused to rule out military strikes against Iran, with Netanyahu telling the UN General Assembly this month that the Jewish state would act unilaterally if necessary.Read the full story here.

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