Friday, December 6, 2013

Egypt reportedly to declare Muslim Brotherhood ‘terrorist organization’

Egypt reportedly to declare Muslim Brotherhood ‘terrorist organization’(Jpost).
Egyptian media reported Thursday that the government is preparing to deem the Muslim Brotherhood “a terrorist organization,” as pro-Morsi organizations sent out a call for protests to be held over the weekend.
The Egyptian El-Watan newspaper, which tends to support the military and oppose the Muslim Brotherhood, reported that interim Prime Minister Hazem el-Beblawi discussed in a closed meeting with a number of ministers a detailed directive that declares the Brotherhood a terrorist organization.

The government blames the organization for violence and terrorism that has taken place since Mohamed Morsi was removed from power on July 3.

Meanwhile, the pro-Morsi alliance, the Pro-Legitimacy and Anti-Coup Coalition called on Thursday for renewed protests this weekend, according to Ahram Online.

Since Morsi was ousted as president, many protests have been held all over the country, with many leading to violent clashes with government security forces.

The protest expected for Friday is in memory of killed protesters and the protest on Saturday is to show solidarity with 21 female protesters who were sentenced to prison, 14 of them drawing an 11 year sentence.

On Monday, the head lawyer for the women was also arrested by police.

Also on Thursday, Egypt ordered three prominent political activists to stand trial on protest-related charges, judicial officials said, in another sign of growing intolerance of dissent.

One of them, leading dissident Ahmed Maher, was charged with protesting without permission, marking the first time anyone had been ordered to stand trial under the provisions of a new law criticized for stifling the right to protest.

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