Friday, December 6, 2013

Turkish Defense Minister: "Turkey Keen to Boost Defense Ties with Iran."

New 'Axes of Evil'

Turkish Defense Minister: "Turkey Keen to Boost Defense Ties with Iran." (Fars).
Turkish Defense Minister Ismet Yilmaz underlined that his country is willing to further develop its defense ties with Iran.
Ankara is keen to exchange experience and expert teams in the defense sector with Tehran,” Yilmaz said in a meeting with Iranian Ambassador to Ankara Alireza Bigdeli on Thursday.

He pointed to the age-old friendly relations between Iran and Turkey, and said, “Mutual visits over the recent years by high-ranking officials of the two regional heavyweights have contributed to the enhancement of bilateral ties.

The Iranian ambassador, for his part, voiced his satisfaction with the expansion of Tehran-Ankara ties over the past decade and urged further enhancement of relations between the defense and military institutions of the two neighboring countries.
“The invaluable experience of the two countries in military and defense industries has paved the ground for joint efforts,” he said.
Iran and Turkey have broadened their relations in various fields of economy, security, trade, education, energy and culture in recent years.
The two sides have exchanged several politico-economic delegations during the last few months.
Turkey imports more than 90 percent of its oil and gas.
Iran and Turkey are determined to boost their trade exchanges to $35 billion in the near future.Hmmmm......It's 'official' NATO and the US need no more enemies with such 'Allies'.....They can sing in choir .....'Death to Israel'.
Exactly as i predicted ......that Turkey would turn to Iran now that it doesn't get in to Europe.

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