Saturday, December 7, 2013

Nuclear holocaust? Yes he can.

Nuclear holocaust? Yes he can.By Melanie Phillips.

Whatever terrific deal Obama, Ashton and Hague pretended they had pulled off with Iran in Geneva, the Iranians wasted no time in showing that it was business as usual. Cuddly, smiley, moderate, Iranian President Rouhani stated at the weekend that not only would Iran not dismantle any of its nuclear facilities but it would also now construct a second nuclear reactor at Bushehr. And it would enrich as much uranium as it needed.

Even the Washington Post noticed that the ‘fact sheet’ put out by the White House was a trifle economical with the actualité. In particular, what it omitted from this deal that was supposed to limit Iranian uranium enrichment was that
the United States and its partners have already agreed that Iranian enrichment activity will continue indefinitely.

Which is kind of what the Iranians have been saying the agreement said. It comes to something when the slippery Iranian regime is more reliable in reporting the facts than is the American Presidency.Who can be surprised? We may not have known until last week about the back-channel negotiations being conducted with Iran by the Obama administration for heaven knows how long.

There are reports that Obama’s last-minute decision not to bomb Syria arose from these secret Iranian negotiations. There is also renewed speculation that the Obama administration may have alerted the Iranian regime to the cyber-attacks on its computer networks.

Whatever the truth of these claims, Obama’s agenda has been clear from the start. To those like myself who warned about Obama from the moment he became a candidate for the US Presidency, it was clear that here was a man who believed that America was the world’s principal rogue state which needed to be shackled, and that its ‘victims’ – Third World tyrannies and enemies of the west – needed to be empowered to even up the score. 

As for Israel, well, these whingeing Jews always behaved as if they were the only victims in the world, and if Israel was destroyed it would be all its own fault anyway.

But let’s get this in perspective. UK media pin-up Rouhani is now starring in a music video which is said to mimic an Obama campaign production.
Nuclear holocaust? Yes he can.Read the full story Here

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