Monday, April 14, 2014

'Stand up Comedy' - Iran Could be ‘Reliable’ Gas Supplier to EU - Minister.

'Stand up Comedy' - Iran Could be ‘Reliable’ Gas Supplier to EU - Minister. HT: UskowiOnIran.

Iran could be a “reliable, secure and long-term” supplier of gas to Europe, Iranian Minister of Industry Mohammad Reza Nematzadeh said in an interview with business daily Handelsblatt. (AFP/ Al Arabiya News, 14 April)

We don’t want to compete with Russia. But we know that Europe’s demand for gas is increasing and would like a share in this,” Nematzadeh said. “We have the energy reserves and cooperation plans. But as far as Russia is concerned, that is a decision for Europe alone,” he added.

The minister’s statement seems to be taking advantage of the West’s irritation against Russia’s involvement in Ukraine. There have been calls in the West from influential opinion makers for reduction of Europe’s reliance on Russian gas.   Hmmmm.....Yeah sure Gas from "The moderate mad mullahs, trough Islamist Erdoganistan" sounds like a GREAT IDEA......As Carl would say 'What could go wrong'?

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