Friday, November 14, 2014

Atatürk Society of America: "Cautionary message to his Holiness the Pope"

Atatürk Society of America: "Cautionary message to his Holiness the Pope". (ASA).

Nov.12, 2014

His Holiness, Pope Francis

Apostolic Palace 00120 Vatican City

Your Holiness,

The Atatürk Society of America is a non-governmental civil society that strives to protect the reformist objectives that constituted the foundation of the Turkish Republic.

While we are very proud and happy about your planned visit to Turkey, we are deeply concerned that your program includes a meeting with the current Turkish president.

We have no doubt that you are very well informed about the corruption activities, and dictator style administration of the Turkish president, about his brutal treatment of his people, and the blood of the protestors in his hands.

We do not want you to shake those stained hands with your Holy hands; we do not want you to visit him in the so-called “world’s largest palace” he built for his presidency in contempt of court rulings, and in contempt of public outcry and poverty. Your visit with him will be interpreted as support for his unpopular, undemocratic rule.

He will exploit your visit for his nefarious agenda of expanding Islamic rule as far as possible.

You must already know that his policy of interjection of religion in politics is not for the good of the people –as one might expect with the involvement of religion-, but for the expansion of Islamism. His hidden agenda is the resurrection of the Ottoman influence on 1.5 billion Muslims to rule the world, or at least to challenge the Christian world.

We are deeply concerned because your visit will be perceived as sanctioning the dirty deeds and objectives of an internationally unpopular man. This perception will be unavoidable despite your peaceful, well-intended, wisdom inducing efforts.

As to the concern that the exclusion of a visit to him will be diplomatically unacceptable, we are convinced that, in reality, such a change in your program will be greatly appreciated by a great majority of Turks, as well as by many world leaders, because it will distance you from his undesirable intentions. Such a decision on your part will make your reception by Turks even more enthusiastic.

Respectfully yours,

Hudai Yavalar, Founding Chairmanürk-Society-of-America/217303911632024?fref


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