Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Biden: I Never Apologized to Erdogan.

Biden: I Never Apologized to Erdogan. (AlArabia).
Did Vice President Joe Biden really apologize to Turkey’s president? The White House says he did, but Biden says he did not.
In early October, Biden placed phone calls to three U.S. allies as he attempted to smooth over a diplomatic spat sparked by comments he made at Harvard University.

One of those calls was to Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who had angrily demanded an apology and said Biden “will be history for me” if it turned out he’d really accused Turkey of helping fuel the Islamic State group’s growth.

But on Monday, Biden contradicted the White House by insisting that phone call didn’t amount to an apology.

No, I haven’t apologized,” Biden said in a CNN interview. “I never apologized to him. I know him well. I’ve dealt with him. I called him and said, ‘Look, what was reported was not accurate to what I said. Here’s what I said.’”Hmmm......I must say when i read this i had a great laugh. Read more: Al Arabiya

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