Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Video - Isis fighters barter over Yazidi girls on 'slave market day'

Video - Isis fighters barter over Yazidi girls on 'slave market day' .(Independent)

In the video the cameraman declares: “Today is the slave market day,” and informs the audience that each fighter will receive “his share”.

The men discuss how much each slave is worth, with one fighter claiming that he will pay more for a girl with “blue eyes” and another saying he wanted a 15-year-old girl with green eyes. One man wants to exchange a female slave for a Glock gun.

Although difficult to verify, from the men’s accents it is believed they originate from Saudi Arabia, and are discussing a market in Mosul, Iraq. Hmmm.....I post this reluctantly but the world needs to see what hard line Islam is in it's core.

Read the full story here.

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