Tuesday, November 3, 2015

EU[Rabia] to publish guidelines on the consumer labeling of settlement products.

Nazi Germany Berlin Jewish warehouse. 

EU[rabia] to publish guidelines on the consumer labeling of settlement products. (JPost).

The European Union is expected to publish in the next few weeks its long anticipated guidelines on the consumer labeling of Israeli products produced over the pre-1967 lines – in east Jerusalem, the West Bank and the Golan Heights.

The impending EU labeling of what it calls “settlement products” has been a contentious issue between Brussels and Jerusalem since 2012.

Monday night an Israeli diplomat said, “We expect the guidelines to be published soon, possibly within days.”

The official added, “We’re trying to convince the European Union and its member states that this is a mistake. It has an element of discrimination to it and does not in any way help the diplomatic process.”

Israel took issue with the publication of the guidelines at time when the Palestinian leadership refuses to hold direct talks with Israel and during a period in which, since October 1, Palestinian assailants have killed 11 Israelis and wounded more than 100 in a series of some 60 attacks.

If anything, the publication of these guidelines now gives the Palestinians a prize for their terrorism and obstinacy. It also supports the overall atmosphere of Israeli boycotts,” the official said.

The guidelines, to be published out of Brussels under the guidance of the EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini, do not need to be put to a vote.

The document simply puts together already existing guidelines and legislation with regard to “settlement products.” It is designed to help EU member states understand what the law is with regard to the labeling of such products.

The EU considers Jewish communities over the pre- 1967 lines in east Jerusalem, the Golan Heights and the West Bank to be illegal under international law.

For over a decade, Israeli products produced over the pre-1967 lines have been exempt from Israel’s free trade agreement with the EU. Codes have been placed on the products to allow EU custom officials to properly determine if the products were produced within the Green Line or over it.

These guidelines would provide European consumers in stores with that same information. Hmmm.....At least now will know where to find Jewish products to buy.Read the full story here.

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