Thursday, November 19, 2015

Video: Polish Anti-Refugee Demonstrators Burn Effigies of Orthodox Jews at Wroclaw Protest.

Video: Polish Anti-Refugee Demonstrators Burn Effigies of Orthodox Jews at Wroclaw Protest. HT: Matzav.

Dozens of demonstrators in the western Polish city of Wroclaw participated in burning effigies of Jews fully equipped with peyos and black hats, Polish newspaper Gazeta Wyborcza reported on Wednesday.

The demonstration was part of a larger protest against admitting refugees of the civil war in Syria into Poland. Demonstrators warned that many of the refugees were actually economic migrants and terrorists, according to the report.

The demonstration took place on a portable stage in front of the Wroclaw city hall. Police contained the demonstration but allowed it to happen, with no formal complaints.

Many in Europe are concerned with the influx of refugees fleeing the violence in Syria, which has claimed hundreds of thousands of lives over the past nearly five years and caused widespread devastation.

Earlier this week, the Algemeiner reported on another anti-refugee banner hung on major thoroughfare in the city of Poznon.

Poland has officially decided to accept 5,000 refugees. Hmmmm.....As i warned extreme right will rise all over Europe.

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