Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Iran already receiving yellow cake from Russia......but has huge reserves of Uranium deposits.

Iran receives yellow cake from Russia.(Taz).

Iran has already received yellow cake from Russia, Iran's Deputy Foreign Minister Abbas Araqchi said Dec. 15.

Araqchi said that the Islamic Republic has received a specific amount of yellow cake that was expected to be handed over to Iran in exchange for the country’s enriched uranium after the adoption of a resolution on Iran’s nuclear program by the International Atomic Energy Agency.

According to Araqchi, Iran is now expected to send off its enriched uranium to Russia after the adoption of a resolution on the country’s PMD (possible military dimensions to Tehran’s nuclear program) file by the IAEA Board of Governors, the Fars news agency reported Dec. 15.

Earlier on Dec. 14, Araqchi said Iran would sell its enriched uranium to Russia and would receive 140 tons of uranium ore in exchange for 10 tons of its enriched uranium after the adoption of the resolution.

Under the nuclear deal, the sanctions against Tehran will be lifted in exchange for scaling down Iran’s nuclear activities.

Yellow cake, also called urania, is a type of uranium concentrate powder. It is a step in the processing of uranium after it has been mined, before fuel fabrication or enrichment. Hmmm....Having 'rediscovered' new massive uranium deposits inside Iran....my guess.... They're pulling a fast one.

Flashback July 2015
Under permission from the Supreme Leader, the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran has been conducting airborne surveys for discovering uranium deposits, he said, adding that good news in this regard will be announced in the future. “In the next 10 years, we will reach a level which will acquire raw materials for 190,000 SWU enrichment capacity,” he noted.
 Related: Iran 'rediscovers' unexpectedly high uranium reserve deposits.

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