Friday, December 18, 2015

Turkey , Israel reconciliation pact calls for Turkey to ban Hamas leader.

Turkey , Israel reconciliation pact calls for Turkey to ban Hamas leader. (Haaretz).

Israel and Turkey have reached understanding on the outlines of a reconciliation agreement that would put an end to the long crisis in relations between the two countries and normalize ties.

Joseph Ciechanover, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s envoy in the contacts with Turkey, and National Security Adviser, Yossi Cohen, who will soon become head of the Mossad, concluded most of the principles of the agreement with Turkish under-foreign minister Feridun Sinirlioglu during a meeting in Zurich on Wednesday, a senior official in Jerusalem told Haaretz.

The senior official stressed that the two countries have not yet reached agreement on the Turkish demand that Israel lift its blockade on the Gaza Strip entirely.

Erdogan is on record as predicating the normalization of relations with Israel on a total lifting of the blockade on Gaza,” the official said. “There are ideas but no solution to the issue as yet. It’s not simple.

He added that an outline and framework for the reconciliation agreement exists, but finalization of the agreement will take more time and additional meetings. The next meeting between negotiators from both countries was likely to take place during January.“The atmosphere and direction are good, but the leaders have not yet given their final approval,” he said.

The senior Israeli official noted that the agreement between the two countries includes the following:
1. In the framework of the agreement, Israel will pay Turkey $20 million in compensation, which will be transferred to a special fund that will in turn provide grants to the families of the Turkish citizens who were killed or injured in the Israel Navy's takeover of the Mavi Marmara.
2. Turkey and Israel will renew and normalize their relations and return their respective ambassadors to Tel Aviv and Ankara.
3. The Turkish parliament will pass a law that will annul all legal claims against Israeli Defense Force officers and soldiers in connection with the flotilla incident and will prevent future claims from being filed.
4. Turkey will expel Saleh al-Aruri, a senior member of Hamas' military wing, who is based in Istanbul and is directing terrorist operatives in the West Bank from there. In addition, Hamas activities in Turkey in general will be limited.
5. Once the final agreement between the two countries has been signed, Turkey and Israel will explore cooperating in the natural gas field – with Turkey buying gas from Israel's offshore oil fields and the laying of a gas pipeline that would run via Turkey and through which Israel would export gas to Europe. Hmmmm.....Israel is nuts to trust Erdo and to lift the Gaza blockade. Read the full story here.

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