Friday, October 18, 2013

"Israel's Staunchest Ally" - The mask is slowly coming off

"Israel's Staunchest Ally" - The mask is slowly coming off. By Caroline B. Glick.

Before his reelection, Obama felt constrained to pretend that he was serious about preventing Iran from developing nuclear weapons. He opposed but then grudgingly signed comprehensive sanctions passed overwhelmingly by both houses of Congress. He told AIPAC that he had Israel's back.

But now that he's no longer facing reelection, the jig is up.

Obama's new goal, which is enthusiastically supported by Ashton and her comrades in Brussels, is to use the new negotiations with Iran's phony baloney "moderate" new President — to give himself political cover to open the door to Iran acquiring nuclear bombs. Obama doesn't want to prevent Iran from getting the bomb. He wants to insulate himself from criticism when it gets the bomb.

Not only do the White House's lies about Iran's new "level of seriousness" give Obama the maneuver room to pretend he's acting responsibly, they also trap Israel into inaction. After all, how could Israel possibly bomb Iran's nuclear installations when Iran is negotiating so seriously, and is "this close" to making a groundbreaking agreement?

We shouldn't be surprised by this state of affairs. Obama has never acted in good faith with Israel.

Take the latest news on Turkey, for example. Thursday, Washington Post columnist David Ignatius reported that last year NATO member Turkey gave Iranian intelligence the identities of up to ten Iranian agents working for Mossad after they met with their Israeli case officers in Turkey. Turkey's action was a shocking betrayal of what was supposed to be a goal it shared with Israel and the US — preventing Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. Turkey willfully harmed Israeli efforts to achieve this goal by turning in ten Israeli agents.

Rather than taking action against Turkey, or simply acknowledging that the actions of Turkish Prime Minister Recep Erdogan represented a fundamental shift in Turkey's strategic outlook, Obama shrugged off Turkey's betrayal. The US didn't even protest Turkey's despicable deed. Instead, as Ignatius noted, "Turkish-American relations continued warming last year to the point that Erdogan was among Obama's key confidants."

A few months after Turkey colluded with Iran against Israel, Obama coerced Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu into apologizing to Erdogan for Israel's lawful maritime interdiction of the Mavi Marmara as it unlawfully sought to breach Israel's blockade of the Hamas-controlled Gaza coastline.

Israel is alone. We have no diplomatic option. No matter what Israel says, no matter what it does, neither the US nor any other Western power is ever going to be convinced to take the only step that would set back Iran's nuclear program — bombing Iran's nuclear installations. No matter what, neither Obama nor any European leader will ever support an Israeli military strike on Iran's nuclear installations.

Israel's back is to the wall. That is the meaning of the talks in Geneva. If we aren't prepared to live with a nuclear armed Iran then we have to stop talking and start acting. And we need to prepare for the diplomatic hell that will break loose thereafter.Hmmm....."Pour les vaincre, messieurs, il nous faut de l'audace, encore de l'audace, et toujours de l'audace et la Patrie sera sauvée!" ~ Danton. Read the full story here.

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