Friday, April 11, 2014

Turkish Dep PM Emrullah Ishler: "Armenians killed over one million Turks"

Turkish Dep PM Emrullah Ishler: "Armenians killed over one million Turks"(Taz).

Over one million Turks were killed in Turkey by Armenian gangs, Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Emrullah Ishler said in his interview with Turkish TRT Haber TV channel on April 11.

"We have enough documents showing that not Turks committed "genocide" in 1915, but they were subject to genocide," Ishler said. Armenian gangs committed genocide not only against Turks residing in Turkey in 1915, they also killed Arabs and Kurds residing in this territory during that time, according to the Turkish deputy prime minister.

Ishler also pointed out that Turkish officials have repeatedly expressed their readiness to create a joint commission for investigating the events of 1915, but the Armenian side hasn't responded to this proposal so far.

The Committee on Foreign Relations of the U.S. Senate has recently passed resolution S.Res.410 on the "Armenian genocide".

Every year on April 24, Armenia celebrates the Day of Remembrance of the "Armenian genocide" victims. Armenia and the Armenian lobby claim that Turkey's predecessor - the Ottoman Empire allegedly carried out "genocide" against the Armenians living in Anadolu in 1915.

While strengthening the efforts to promote the so-called "genocide" in the world countries, Armenians have achieved its recognition by the parliaments of some countries.

It is expected that the Armenian lobby will strengthen its activity in the world countries' parliaments, particularly in the U.S. Congress in connection with the anniversary of the "genocide" in April.Hmmm....Erdogan: "We did not commit a crime, therefore we do not need to apologize." - on the Armenian genocide. Source.

More on the Armenian Genocide can be seen and read here.

Armenian doctors hanged in Aleppo Square, 1916, notice the TURKISH UNIFORMS.

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