Thursday, April 10, 2014

Turkish FM : “Armenian genocide” claims not to affect Turkey-U.S. relations

Erdogan: "We did not commit a crime, therefore we do not need to apologize." - on the Armenian genocide. Source 

Turkish FM : “Armenian genocide” claims not to affect Turkey-U.S. relations

R410, Armenian Genocide Res will be voted today at the Senate Foreign Rltns Comt.

The draft bill, which is considered the beginning of the events of April 24 'commemoration and remembrance day' to be accepted as recommended. The bill also President Obama's' equal, constructive, stable and constant for the formation of Armenia-Turkey relations, Turkey's Republic to recognize the reality of the Armenian Genocide "is recommended for the study.

Suggestions of further U.S. foreign policy of President Obama's "human rights of the Armenian Genocide, crimes against humanity, ethnic cleansing and genocide of records regarding the foundry in the United States' suggests

Senator Kirk is one of the authors of the bill, said that, next year is the 100th anniversary of 1915, recalling, "1.5 million Armenians were killed in Ottoman Turkey," he said.

ANCA, one of the most powerful Armenian lobby in the capital yesterday, and during the whole week, members of the American-Armenian community, with some calling for the passage of the bill presented to the Senate today, in their constituency wants to put pressure on senators.

ANCA, as well as other Armenian-American lobby and Hellenic Greek and Greek Cypriot Leaders close to the lobby groups is calling for a vote.

Done in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Thursday placed on the agenda for the ballot, the proposal is expected to vote No. 410.

U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said Daniel Richotte in the Posta212'Y, according to the rating committee, U.S. Eastern time 2 pm (9 pm Turkey time) to do.

The Committee of the U.S. Congress will be held in the main building, the Capitol and the 'business meeting', defined as a direct voting session will be held.

Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu on April 9 with respect to the subject of the call is known that U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry. After this telephone conversation, Davutoglu told reporters regarding the bill 'We do not have a negative expectation' had explained.Hmmmm......Lett me guess the 'Essence' of the calll "The future does not belong to those who slander......."

S.Res.410 — 113th Congress (2013-2014)

Expresses the sense of the Senate: (1) in remembrance of the anniversary of the Armenian Genocide on April 24, 2014; (2) that the President should work toward an Armenian-Turkish relationship that includes Turkey's full acknowledgment of the facts about the Armenian Genocide; and (3) that the President should ensure that U.S. foreign policy reflects appropriate understanding and sensitivity concerning issues related to human rights, crimes against humanity, ethnic cleansing, and genocide documented in the U.S. record relating to the Armenian Genocide.

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