Thursday, November 6, 2014

Human Rights Chief Calls Iran Role-Model of Democracy in Middle-East. ...NOT the Onion.

Human Rights Chief Calls Iran Role-Model of Democracy in Middle-East....NOT the Onion. (Fars).

Secretary of Iran’s Human Rights Council Mohammad Javad Larijani said Iran attaches vital importance to respect for and practice of human rights and its has now become a role model of democracy in the Middle-East region.

"All the democratic structures in Iran have been defined within the framework of Islamic rationale to find their real meaning, and this way a new big democracy has emerged in the Middle-East which can be a role model," Larijani said in a meeting with UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra'ad Zeid al-Hussein in Tehran on Wednesday.

He further explained that human rights is an indispensable aspect of Iran's civil development, and added, "Naturally, human rights is neither an American nor a western concept to us, rather it has a logic grown in the same atmosphere of Islamic rationale."

Larijani stressed the vital importance of respect for and exercise of human rights values to Iran, saying that human rights is no marginal issue for the Islamic Republic.

In similar remarks in January, Larijani underlined that the country attaches much importance to respect for human rights, but doesn’t accept the human rights norms and standards imposed by the western states.

“The Islamic Republic of Iran’s affinity for human rights is rooted in its Islamic and cultural principles and we don’t accept the West-imposed human rights (principles) which want to change our way of life (lifestyle),” Larijani said in a meeting with a visiting Irish delegation in Tehran.

He underlined Tehran’s deep respect for human rights, and said, “We have extensive plans in area of human rights and establishment of Iran’s Human Rights Council with such a structure and extent shows its importance for the Islamic Republic of Iran.”

In relevant remarks in December, Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Marziyeh Afkham underlined that Iran expected the western states to develop a completely different and new approach to human rights issues.

As regards the human rights issues we demand a new and different approach by the West,” Afkham said, addressing a weekly press conference in Tehran.

She stressed that if the western countries adopted a constructive approach and far from politicization, there would be the possibility of cooperation in different areas, including human rights.

The foreign ministry spokeswoman underlined that Iran had clear stances on human rights issues, and said, “We have laid emphasis on avoiding politicization of human rights debates and rejected the (West's) double-standard approach in our talks with different European officials in the past and the present."

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