Monday, November 10, 2014

Islamist 'Bully' Turkey threatening Israel: "Leave al-Aqsa or we’ll send you packing"

Islamist 'Bully' Turkey threatening Israel: "Leave al-Aqsa or we’ll send you packing" (TZ).

I am sending this message to those soldiers who enter [al-Aqsa Mosque] with their boots: If you don't leave it immediately, we will hand you your boots and watch you run away,” Bozkır was quoted by private Doğan news agency as telling a meeting of his Justice and Development Party (AK Party) in the southwestern province of Burdur on Sunday.

Israeli police clashed with Palestinians on Wednesday at the entrance to the 8th-century mosque, Islam's third most sacred place, after what Palestinians call an illegal storming of the mosque by Israeli extremists protected by some 300 Israeli security forces.

Palestinian officials said Israeli forces had crossed the threshold of the mosque for the first time since 1967, while Israeli police denied going into the house of worship.

Palestinian officials say that Israeli police went far inside the mosque wearing their shoes in a sign of disrespect for Muslims, who leave their shoes outside.

Bozkır,a former diplomat, said Turkey will protect peace in Palestine. “Turkey will not allow [people to] disrupt peaceful orders that we established in Palestine or anywhere else in the world,” he said. Hmmm......'Empty barrels make the most noise' especially going downhill :) Read the full 'Neo Ottoman rulers' story here.

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