Friday, December 19, 2014

Video - 'NATO ALLY?" - Islamist Turkish Military Now Using Ottoman Marching Music, Chanting "Allah-U Akbar"

The Turkish military, which has always been the guardian of the modern and secular Turkish Republic and of Ataturk's reforms, is now marching to the Ottoman-era "Army March," and chanting "Allah-u Akbar" as they march. 

A video posted to YouTube on December 11, 2014 shows commando soldiers training in this manner for their swearing-in ceremony at Yeni Foca army base in Izmir. Hmmm......Sounds more like ISIS Ally if you ask me.

Related: Islamic Studies Introduced At Turkish Military Academies 

According to a November 7, 2014 report, the Turkish Armed Forces has updated its secondary education regulations, adding a new section to the "Protection of Students" chapter that bans the viewing of content such as Game of Thrones in order to protect students from "sexual exploitation, pornography, exhibitionism, abuse, harassment and all negative behaviors." Previously, in 2012, four officers were expelled from the army for allowing their students at an Istanbul military academy to watch that show.
The new regulations also prepared the ground for the introduction of Islamic studies at military academies, to be based on "religious education, the Koran, and the life of the Prophet Muhammad," the report said.[11]

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