Monday, June 15, 2015

Turkish Magazine breaks story on how Libyan weapons ended up with ISIL via 'Sometimes NATO Ally' Turkey.

FLASHBACK:  Rand Paul Grills Hillary Clinton at the Benghazi Hearing January 2013 Interesting part starts at 02,17.

Turkish Magazine breaks story on how Libyan weapons ended up with ISIL via 'Sometimes NATO Ally' Turkey.(noktadergi)[GoogleTranslate].

Alleged shipment of weapons through Turkey has become an international problem. The debate over political stance on Syria in the event inner kamouyo. However, shipments of weapons into the area of ​​trade come from the fields of politics has been the case now.

Civil war in Syria , arms dealers and claimed money for a large number of means by 'significant' Turkish officials are considerable income to the extent of this trade.

The point is that the state crisis to the return of the famous MIT took the trail through the images of weapons in the truck and get the details of the trade in weapons in Libya and Syria Ankara line.

Details in IMAGES:

The publication of images of the inner containers in MIT TIR Republican newspaper journalism was an important achievement. It is written as missiles and heavy weapons in the images. But the images are examined in detail the origin of the weapons and delivery details is making a very different picture emerges.

Prosecutors in St. TAKÇI gendarmerie administration, bomb search dog to understand what is happening inside the steel container when the truck stop MIT 'grave' tripped. Senior Sergeant Gürman in Karakus responsibility 'grave', en almost freaked out by the exit onto the flatbed.

Remove the nuts from the gendarmerie teams were single steel container. Minutes from the container to the "ammunition assessed as artillery shells" as reflected. But that was not the shells.

The prosecution in the order of photos taken, it seems a part of the wooden box was opened. Characters written in black mold on the safe three words: 'PEOPLE'S TRIPOLI socialist'.

Write to continue because the board does not seem to be removed. However, the full text version, "Socialist People's Libyan" form. In the Libyan capital, Tripoli.

The combo box is filled with desert dust to the starting address also gives important clues about the shipment.

Releases from the SAME TIRE in Isidor

About a meter long container to reverse-mounted flat, gray body, the same text on the blue-tipped ammunition as follows: 'FULL CHARGE, UOF -412, 100 MM.

FULL CHARGE ' the statement contained in the shipment of gunpowder ammunition suggests that full-filled. So it has a highly effective range. Ammunition diameter of 100 millimeters. UOF-412 code is printed on the D-10 and equivalent us this ammunition 'tanks used in ball he says. Thus, we understand that UOF-412 is a 'tank shells'.

Tank truck outside al-Assad in Syria at the time of his arrest was only in the hands of Isidor and Al Nusra. Turkmen destroy tanks that day today.

UOF-412 exceeded in the past, we understand that our research dates back to the Second World War. East block production of the UOF-412 tank rounds, D-10 type tanks used in the ball.

Syrian army is using tanks belonging to Eastern Bloc countries just as the Libyan army. In order to use tanks seized by Isidor or Assad administration needs to come or tank shells from Libya.

D-10 Russian-made T-54 tank gun, mounted on T-55 tanks. Syrian army around 2,000 T-54 or T-55 models have their tanks every day and more passes into the hands of Isidor.

Isidor and seized by al Nusr T-54 to T-55 tanks that were published dozens of videos in a virtual environment. He's in one of the videos, download a hand Nusr by bullets that were loading the truck tank seized from the Syrian army. Loaded tank shells, but with a bullet in a truck MIT.

Releases grenades from SAFE

Let's continue with the wooden crate Photo analysis. 40 inches to 50 inches in size in dozens of crates ... Guard opening the enclosure cover only the gendarme photographing. 20 round box more regularly lined up in the box. Over covered by desert dust.

Minutes pass them as ammunition. However, there is a grenade in each of the round box from the chassis.

This kept the format of assault-type hand grenades. The same black boxes, ammunition taken from the air to help the YPG forces in Kobani'yi we faced when the US government passed into the hands of luminosity. Similar images safes in various sources of Isidor force and is seen grenades.


Between the two main reasons for opening Turkey and Libya had; Treating the wounded jihadists in Turkey and sent back to Libya to mediate claims of Turkish vessels in the arms trade.

Arms smuggling assertion personally United Nations (UN) was followed by. To this end, in 2011 the UN Libya Sanctions Committee was established. The Committee has opened an investigation into allegations of arms smuggling. The UN investigation committee came to Turkey last year in this regard.

We had serious doubts about Turkey's activities in the Committee members. So it was quite tough negotiations and Turkey has made heavy accusations. Committee on May 10 hit Turkish companies' Danube-1 exploration well on the deepening of the ship's cargo is.

Be the subject of treatment of wounded Libyan militia Another element rather painful head of Turkey. Some hospitals were sent back numerous layers of Libyan militia special treatment ettirilip formed in Istanbul. But the situation changed when it comes to crisis proportions method Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Ministry of Foreign Affairs Allegedly, the Libyan Embassy to give 2 million dollars' put our heads on our trouble. Where you let him treat them move, saying it was in the business.


The owners of large stocks of arms and ammunition depots were looted during the civil war in Libya Army. A dirty arms market in the country has occurred. Groups in Syria have delivery problems, but the biggest buyers. The Libyan government is struggling to deliver these weapons and weapons the army has already declared war on traders who take out of the country.

Libya - Turkey - Syria alleged smuggling arms for the first time in the triangle was the subject of a warm response on 10 May. Belonging to a Turkish company, but Cook Islands-flagged 'Danube-1 dry cargo ship is on the way to the port of Tobruk, Libya, was hit by artillery fire 13 miles off the coast.

Stationed at Tobruk Libyan government Prime Minister Abdullah Al-Thani, Turkey in Tripoli (Tripoli) claimed that sending weapons to separatist groups. After a short repair ship docked in the port of Fethiye shot two days later.

According to the testimony of reporters from the port where the ship is berthed ship prosecutors and crime scene investigation police made a detailed examination of the evidence concerning the weapons and moved quickly went wandering.

A Turkish company in 2011 in this regard; The Turkish government is carrying weapons instruction, Libyan forces had hit the ship, saying that while the damage to be compensated by the government, had called the right. However, over that time, the subject was closed.

A Free Syrian Army fighter carries a rocket before firing it towards Hama military airport that is controlled by forces loyal to Syria's President Bashar al-Assad, in the Hama countryside, July 25, 2014. Picture taken July 25, 2014. REUTERS / Badu Khlifa ( SYRIA - Tags: POLITICS CIVIL CONFLICT Unrest)


Although yalanlas between Turkey and also international organizations "Cone told me!" Line in. UN Security Council taken on August 15, 2014 and adopted the 2170 decree Qaeda Sanctions Committee vivid example of this report. In the report, Turkey is described as it passes over weapons to the region:

"Also, the experience in traditional war Isidor army tanks and heavy weapons and a lot of weapons systems, including judges warriors. Weapons and equipment, in the 1980s and 1990s, as well as ammunition stored consists of more new material. Many of them either Iraq or (more rarely) the Arab Republic of Syria's armed forces are primarily illegal weapons confiscated equipment or passed through Turkey. "

US President Barack Obama, June 9 at the G7 Summit in Turkey openly criticized, "Isidor, from Turkey to Syria supplying power to the last of thousands of fighters. Turkey needs the capacity of authorities to prevent passage is not fully improve, "he said.

Articles made of clear proof that Libya's delivery on the safe full of shells and hand grenades from the truck MIT. Truck drivers that already charge a foreign plane came Esenboga Airport and said that they have in here.

Qatar should both because of luminosity no money problems due to oil sales. The only problem to find weapons shipments. It seems to take care of the important names in Turkey. Some Turkish officials, making the arms trade by using the immunity of state institutions and large quantities are revenues seem. Bloodshed in Syria, quickly became the world's trade, as in many regions. Turkish Armed Traders are emerging for the first time.


MIT truck driver Murat Kışlakçı: "Time 2:30 I know the country like the Ankara Esenboga Airport was loaded from a foreign plane. We take our Reyhanlı'da to load. They're putting us to the hotel. Tina are going abroad. We moved several times before such loads. We were having a government job. I know that the burden of the National Intelligence Agency. "


In 1969, the country's name from Gaddafi to power in a coup Libyan Arab Jamahiriya (Jamahiriya Al Arabiyyah El Libyah) was changed to. The official name of the country between the years 1977-1986 'Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya' (Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Socialist People), 1986 - between the years 2011 the 'Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya' (Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Great Socialist People) was. Here is a portion of grenades that can be read on the 'TRIPOLI the Socialist People's 'of the funds was that Tripoli is meant by the phrase originated. That meant grenades from Libya. Hmmmm.....Although Google's translation of Turkish is more 'Ghoulish' we still get the message. Benghazi Gate......Anyone?

Update: Today's Zaman has the same story now in English it can be found HERE.

RELATED? US smuggling weapons to Syrian rebels: The real Benghazi story  

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