Saturday, December 20, 2014

Todenhöfer Among ISIS "Each day we add over 50 new people from all over the world to the Islamic state"

Todenhöfer "Each day we add over 50 new people from all over the world to the Islamic state". (Welt)[GoogleTranslate].
"The IS does not need me as a platform, They have a media strategy that makes me speechless," 
The IS-terrorist militia is much stronger than expected, according to Jürgen Todenhöfer. The writer traveled ten days the conflict zone in the Middle East. He tells of monstrous murder plans of the jihadists.

The Jihadi militia Islamic State (IS) the German journalist Jürgen Todenhöfer  describes as being "much stronger and more dangerous" than by the west.

"There is an almost noise-like mood, as I have never experienced in a war zone," Todenhöfer said Thursday evening the "RTL Night Journal" after ten days toured the conflict zone. The great military successes of the jihadists since the summer and the daily intake by new fighters reinforcing their faith, "they could move mountains."

"Each day we add over 50 new people from all over the world with shining eyes to the IS," said 74-year-old author. "This enthusiasm is so infectious and makes the strength of the IS from."
                         "A media strategy that makes me speechless"
By beheadings they had "a strategy of terror directed" that exaggerate their opponents to flight.

Todenhöfer warned that the group was planning a "huge religious cleansing" because they wanted a different faith and moderate Muslims who believed in democracy kill.

The international air attacks to defeat the jihadists are not effective in his view. Rather, it requires a "solution within Islam," Todenhöfer said.

For this purpose it was necessary to the Sunnis, who had been urged by the Shiite-dominated government in Baghdad in recent years on the sidelines and support today partly the jihadists to engage again. The fact that this is actually happening, but he does not believe.

In the interview Todenhöfer also addressed criticism that he had upgraded its travel the jihadists. "The IS does not need me as a platform, the have a media strategy that makes me speechless," said the journalist.

He claims to have made the journey as research for a book about the IS-militia. For this he was 80 "terrorists" written, obtained 15 responses and spoken directly with two fighters in the end. Hmmmm......50 a day....Guess those Turkish 'borders' are not so tight after all.

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